Thursday, August 23, 2012

Organizational structures foster purposeful learning and meaningful relationships

 Organizational structures foster purposeful learning and meaningful relationships
      The 10th characteristic of effective middle schools is that “organizational structures foster purposeful learning and meaningful relationship” (This We Believe, pg 31). This means that both teachers and students are divided into interdisciplinary teams to better foster learning. Students learn best when they have the ability to collaborate with their peers and with different teachers and teachers are able to best do their job when they have common planning time with teachers teaching similar things or working with similar students. The book This We Believe claims that teaching teams of two to three teachers are maximally effective. Additionally they describe how having teaching teams that let students work with the same teachers years in a row creates increase comfort in the school environment and better allows teachers to develop effective relationships with parents.
       An excellent example of an organizational structure that fosters learning are the professional learning communities at Park Crest Middle School. The professional learning communities are responsible for collaborative planning, data collection and concentrational learning. Their collaborative planning ensures that teachers across the board are on the same page. For data collection, each student has data folders where they track their progress over several years. They have a staff member of their school working solely as the districts executive director of professional and organizational development to help the school implement their professional learning communities.  

The reason that the professional learning communities at Park Crest Middle School are so successful is because they have a detailed plan about their collaborative responsibilities. Additionally the meetings are supported by the school administration and above that as professional learning communities are a district wide initiative. Having this kind of supervision and support ensures that meetings are held, are productive and are constantly evaluated for their effectiveness. Having the professional learning communities interact with children for over a year, they help create a sense of community for the students and provide them a more cohesive educational experience, rather than a series of segregated learning opportunities.

Starting my second year as a teacher I don’t know if I feel fully comfortable working to create larger structural change in my school yet so pushing for formalized professional learning communities may be a stretch. Regardless, I think there is much to be learned about how they have been implemented in other schools and there are elements of them that I can implement in my own classroom and with small groups of colleagues. This website : provides a huge range of resources that are beneficial for teacher planning, and any kind of collaborative team meeting.  

Additionally, because formal teacher collaboration at my school is scarce, reflecting on these examples forced me to consider how influential the organizational structure of a school can be on the teaching and learning environment. I think in the long run they would be extremely beneficial if well organized and supported, however in the short term they could be very difficult to implement as teachers would see this as time taken away from their classroom prep time. 

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